Have you ever wanted to hear from God and never heard anything?
Sometimes when we want to hear from God, we expect Him to make Himself known in a big and mighty way. After all, He is a big and mighty God, right? In the story of the prophet Elijah, God had told Elijah to go stand on a mountain. A mighty windstorm came and knocked rocks loose. But God was not in the wind. Then there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. Next there was a fire, but God was not in the fire, either. Finally, after the fire, there was the sound of a still small voice. Elijah covered his face when he heard it.
God was in the whisper. (1 Kings 19:10-13)
In our loud and busy lives we have become used to getting everything quickly and satisfying our needs while on the run out the door or through a drive-thru window. Kids, family, friends, and work all contribute to the windstorms, earthquakes, and fires in our everyday lives. And when we have a problem or an issue in our lives, we wonder why we can't hear God.
"Where is God?" you might ask.
Psalm 46:10 says, "Be still and know I am God!" Be still. Slow down for five minutes. Take a deep breath. Focus on God and the blessings He has given you. He is always there. Spend some quiet time and maybe you will hear that still small voice that calls out to you.
Precious Moments®