Tuesday, August 26, 2008

September School Holis..

Hey all,

As we all know, our long awaited and hopefully well deserved september holidays are coming here again. This holiday, service 2 has something lined up for all of us to get us more connected to the Vine.

First up is the ER(encounter retreat) from 1st september, 1pm to 2nd september, 1pm. For those who have never been to an ER, please leave a tag on the tag box or sms joys and indicate if you can come this time round. It would be a stay over thing in church.

Next up would be our monthly service 2 prayer meeting. It would be on tuesday, 2nd september, 1pm in church main sanctuary. It would be a time of praying and sharing of testimonies and is estimated to end around 4pm.

So please make yourself free on these dates and not plan any class outings or chalets, alright.

Till the september holis, make sure you guys are making study fun for His glory.


KAIROS, Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Friday, August 22, 2008

Mun Kidd's Prelim Timetable

H1 General Paper P1&2
H1 Literature in English P1

H2 Chemistry P2

H2 Mathematics P1
H2 Physics P3

H2 Mathematics P2
H2 Chemistry P3

H2 Physics P1&P2

H2 Chemistry P1

*prayers required!!! :D

KAIROS, Friday, August 22, 2008

Thursday, August 21, 2008

“He will shield you with his wings. He will shelter you with his feathers.” (Psalm 91:4)

My college friends and I barely escaped a West Texas storm before it pummeled the park where we were spending a Saturday afternoon. As we were leaving, my buddy brought the car to a sudden stop and gestured to a tender sight on the ground. A mother bird sat exposed to the rain, her wing extended over her baby who had fallen out of the nest. The fierce storm prohibited her from returning to the tree, so she covered her child until the wind passed.

From how many winds is God protecting you? His wing, at this moment, shields you. A slanderous critic heading toward your desk is interrupted by a phone call. A burglar en route to your house has a flat tire. A drunk driver runs out of gas before your car passes his. God, your guardian, protects you from

“every trap” (Ps. 91:3);
“the fatal plague” (Ps. 91:3);
“the plague that stalks in darkness” (Ps. 91:6);
“the terrors of the night…the dangers of the day” (Ps. 91:5).
One translation boldly promises: “Nothing bad will happen to you” (Ps. 91:10 NCV).

“Then why does it?” someone erupts. “Explain my job transfer. Or the bum who called himself my dad. Or the death of our child.” If God is our guardian, why do bad things happen to us?

Have they? Have bad things really happened to you? You and God may have different definitions for the word bad.

God views your life the way you view a movie after you’ve read the book. When something bad happens, you feel the air sucked out of the theater. Everyone else gasps at the crisis on the screen. Not you. Why? You’ve read the book. You know how the good guy gets out of the tight spot. God views your life with the same confidence. He’s not only read your story…he wrote it. His perspective is different, and his purpose is clear.

God uses struggles to toughen our spiritual skin.

Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way. (James 1:2–4)

Trust him. “But when I am afraid, I put my trust in you” (Ps. 56:3). Join with Isaiah, who resolved, “I will trust in him and not be afraid” (Isa. 12:2).

God is directing your steps and delighting in every detail of your life (Ps. 37:23–24). In fact, that’s his car pulling over to the side of the road. That’s God opening the door. And that’s you climbing into the passenger seat.

There now, don’t you feel safer knowing he is in control?
His Wing Shelters You by Max Lucado

KAIROS, Thursday, August 21, 2008

Friday, August 15, 2008

Here's the Sec4 Prelim O level exam timetable:

18aug (mon)
- Social Studies (0745-0915)
- E Math P1 (1000-1200)
- E Math(4NA) P1 (1000-1200)

19aug (tues)
- Chemistry Practical (0800-1330, depending on which shift we're allocated)

20aug (wed)
- Biology Practical (0800-1330, depending on which shift we're allocated)

21aug (thurs)
- Physics Practical (0800-1330, depending on which shift we're allocated)

22aug (fri)
- Chemistry P2 (0745-0930)
- Combine Science (Chemistry) (0745-0900)
- Pure Geography P1 (1000-1130)

25aug (mon)
- A Math P1 (0745-0945)
- HCL P2 (1030-1230)

26aug (tues)
- Combine Science (Physics) Practical (0800-1330, depending on which shift we're allocated)
- Elective Literature P1 (1030-1210)

27aug (wed)
- English P1 (0745-0930)
- English P2 (1000-1140)

28aug (thurs)
- Elective Geog/History (0750-0920)
- Combine Science (Physics) (1000-1115)
- Physics P2 (1000-1145)

8sep (mon)
- A Math P2 (0745-1015)

9sep (tues)
- HCL (0750-0950)
- Pure Geography P2 (1100-1230)

10sep (wed)
- E Math P2 (0745-1015)
- Biology P2 (1100-1245)
- E Math(4NA) P2 (0745-1015)

11sep (thur)
- Physics P1 (0745-0845)

12Sep (fri)
- Combine Science (Physics&Chemistry) (0745-0845)
- Chemistry P1 (0745-0845)
- Biology P1 (0930-1030)

do keep the sec4s (Jaslyn, Christine, Choonyan, Xueling, Fiona, Peiru, Yikiat, Sean, Zhenyi, Lilin) in prayer (:

PEIRU (:, Friday, August 15, 2008


A unique moment of time for the harvest of lost souls.