Sunday, March 22, 2009

This is your beloved blog I/c number 2 blogging. :D since blog I/c number 1 aka Jacelyn Lim Seh Luke Lok, the best commander for drill compeittion 'o9, never update leh. why harh.

anw, the senior team from gb went for drill com yesterday, yup. & we got silver leh! PRAISE GOD. we did our best, God did the rest. :D


sadly, Mam Likhoon says she cant keep the trophy. HAHAHAH, Idk if thats true anot la.

plus, the pioneer team that got bronze! I dont have the pictures leh. gogogo ask from them :D YAY, praise God(: HAHAHAH. we rock!

btw, HAPPY BIRTHDAY RHONDA! God bless you, I hope you continue topping the class for being 1st, while I continue being 24/ 42 position.

♥ 小Sheryl. :D

KAIROS, Sunday, March 22, 2009

Monday, March 02, 2009

Hey saints,

Thank you for the 'surprise' on saturday! I enjoyed the birthday song you guys sang, the birthday cake which I sadly didn't get to eat, the words of blessing from individual one of you ( I was laughing while watching the video in my cam!), the video you guys took so much effort to do (heard from other cell leaders that you guys did it on the previous sat after I left and that you guys sang happy birthday so loudly that all of them know bout it) and not forgetting the scrapbook with all your beautiful pictures.

Indeed, saints from kairos are one huge blessing I have to count for daily. Once again, THANK YOU!

Hugs & Kisses,

KAIROS, Monday, March 02, 2009


A unique moment of time for the harvest of lost souls.